18F / atf-eregs

Container and styles for an ATF eRegs instance
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Implement new sidebar/additional resources design #500

Closed cmc333333 closed 6 years ago

cmc333333 commented 6 years ago

Implement @micahtaylor's sidebar designs: https://github.com/18F/atf-eregs/issues/477#issuecomment-320088228

As ATF doesn't have an API ready, we can start with just Rulings.

carodew commented 6 years ago

I was writing this as a separate story but it belongs with this one, so just adding it here as a comment. This would should ideally fulfill this user story – 

user story

As an licensee, I want to easily find and view a form when it's referenced in regulation text.

acceptance criteria

cmc333333 commented 6 years ago

@carodew heads up that we won't have form data yet; we'll start with the Rulings data.

carodew commented 6 years ago

@cmc333333 is it worth breaking that out into a separate issue then, so it doesn't get lost?

cmc333333 commented 6 years ago

I think it'll be a task for ATF more than for us. Maybe think about it as: we're building an interface, but the data tagging all comes from ATF. I don't think they'll have all the data tagged by the end of our engagement.

carodew commented 6 years ago

I think we just want to be sure that what we build can accommodate that, right? I think we can note that. I like to think of units of work as units of value to the user which is why I prefer to write them in this format.

cmc333333 commented 6 years ago

Alrighty, how about:

acceptance criteria

micahtaylor commented 6 years ago

Updated ideals for the right hand sidebar. Rebound off of https://github.com/18F/atf-eregs/issues/477#issuecomment-320088228

related docs
carodew commented 6 years ago

Bringing this to the thread so it's all in one place. ATF is requesting the following headers for related docs:

Rulings / Procedures Forms FAQs / Newsletters Open Letters / Circulars Other Resources

I have no indication from users which order/groupings they prefer but that's definitely something I'd recommend usability testing in a future engagement and not sure if we want to suggest an alternative that might be more flexible over time.

If we do go with these groupings I'd recommend not using a / as a connector but actually spell out the word and and also use sentence case.