18F / atf-eregs

Container and styles for an ATF eRegs instance
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Display only current rulings with the option of viewing superseded/outdated rulings #502

Open carodew opened 6 years ago

carodew commented 6 years ago

As a licensee, I only want to see currently active rulings on eRegs so that I can see exactly what I need to do without digging through outdated information. I don't necessarily understand how rulings are numbered.

As a licensee, when I'm being audited for something that happened a year and a half ago, I want to see all the guidance that was relevant during that time period, even if it's been superseded or otherwise canceled.

As a policy expert, I want to see both active and outdated rulings on eRegs so I can better understand the history of ATF's position.




This is based on Phase 2 research, both with internal and external users.