18F / bpa-DOL-WHD-14-c

The 14(c) system will become a modern, digital-first service. Applicants will be provided an intuitive online experience, guiding them through the information needed to complete their application correctly.
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Paper Applications #29

Closed brianfunk closed 7 years ago

brianfunk commented 7 years ago

Question/Comment on DOL WHD 14(c) RFQ

Name and affiliation

Brian Funk - NCI, Inc - Agile BPA Manager

Section of RFQ documents

Attachment 1 PWS, Section 2.0 Objectives “As an Applicant, I want to submit my application via a web form so that the submission process is quicker and I no longer have to mail my application. Acceptance Criteria (AC): Data will end up in a database. AC: The applicant must be logged in.”


Will mailed applications continue to be accepted? Does the new system need to account for paper applications being processed?

rrefoy commented 7 years ago

Yes, we will continue to accept mailed applications. It would be ideal for the system to allow certification team specialists to manually enter the application data into the system. This would allow us to have all application data in one place.