PWS. 5.0. Tasks.
“Contractor shall work with OPM and DOD project teams to ensure that the system is compliant with interagency requirements and policies, to include security policies.”
Can the Government provide more information about interagency requirements and security policies which may impact scope?
An ATO is out of scope for this prototype build. However, work performed by the vendor is expected to conform with the QASP, including the section on security testing.
Question/Comment on e-QIP Prototype RFQ
Name and affiliation
Brian Funk - NCI, Inc - Agile BPA Manager
Section of RFQ documents
PWS. 5.0. Tasks. “Contractor shall work with OPM and DOD project teams to ensure that the system is compliant with interagency requirements and policies, to include security policies.”
Can the Government provide more information about interagency requirements and security policies which may impact scope?