18F / bpa-opm-eqip

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Transition Plan Wording #64

Open thecapacity opened 7 years ago

thecapacity commented 7 years ago

Question/Comment on e-QIP Prototype RFQ

Name and affiliation

Jay Huie, 18F - no affiliation with Agile BPA Activities

Section of RFQ documents

Section 6.6.3 of the PWS List of Deliverables states that the Transition Plan is due; 3 business days after the conclusion of the second-to-last sprint

However, Section 6.7.1 of the PWS Transition Plan states that the Transition Plan is due; Two weeks prior to call order conclusion, provide a brief Transition Plan for all deliverables, products, and materials in coordination with the COR/ACOR, 18F Product Lead and Product Owner.


If my calendar math is correct than those are not quite the same date / specification (i.e. they may be off by 3 days) and may need to be (re) aligned.