18F / clinical-trials

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Add "disclaimer" content to new study record detail page design #103

Open MelissaBraxton opened 7 years ago

MelissaBraxton commented 7 years ago


MelissaBraxton commented 7 years ago


maya commented 7 years ago

Is there an existing mockup for this or is this a new design?

MelissaBraxton commented 7 years ago

I am tagging @austinhernandez in on this one.

austinhernandez commented 7 years ago

The 3 new designs for the study record detail page has "disclaimer" content (see also #125 ). This approach seeks to address user story #74 - "As a Clinicaltrials.gov user, I need to have my key questions answered on the study detail page."

Designs with disclaimers here:

v1 (data for contact and location are summarized at the top with links to take you to details below) https://gsa.invisionapp.com/share/Z3CGG92C7#/242664881_Study_record_details_-_blue_minimal_content

v2 (data for contact, location, and dates are summarized at the top with links to take you to details below) https://gsa.invisionapp.com/share/Z3CGG92C7#/242664882_Study_record_details_-_blue_additional_info

v3 (no summary/header data) https://gsa.invisionapp.com/share/Z3CGG92C7#/242665027_Study_record_details_-_blue_no_content

final visual designs are TBD as the functionality and information displayed is not final. also, @jamiealbrecht is working on content on the invision app as comments.