18F / clinical-trials

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USWDS study record detail page - mock up design concepts for dealing with weird data #125

Open MelissaBraxton opened 7 years ago

MelissaBraxton commented 7 years ago
austinhernandez commented 7 years ago

These mockups try to address the following business and user needs:

As a Business, we need our users to understand:

  1. this content is not "approved by the federal government"
  2. NLM is not responsible for content on this page
  3. the potential risks associated with a trial

As a user, I need:

  1. to get to a record that is relevant to my search query
  2. to get the contact information for a study quickly
  3. all of the information I need to get started on a trial

We are testing 3 concepts of the study record detail pages. The layouts are mostly the same as our previous round of testing and Maya's Federalist prototype (https://federalist-proxy.app.cloud.gov/preview/18f/clinical-trials-prototype/clean/study-detail/) but these versions have push contact information lower on the screen (to meet business needs). We are also using real data to show the development team that there are sometimes difficulties with the data (the data are not always clean and precise).

v1 (data for contact and location are summarized at the top with links to take you to details below) https://gsa.invisionapp.com/share/Z3CGG92C7#/242664881_Study_record_details_-_blue_minimal_content

v2 (data for contact, location, and dates are summarized at the top with links to take you to details below) https://gsa.invisionapp.com/share/Z3CGG92C7#/242664882_Study_record_details_-_blue_additional_info

v3 (no summary/header data) https://gsa.invisionapp.com/share/Z3CGG92C7#/242665027_Study_record_details_-_blue_no_content

final visual designs are TBD as the functionality and information displayed is not final. also, @jamiealbrecht is working on content on the invision app as comments.