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Identify top training priorities #126

Open acolter opened 7 years ago

acolter commented 7 years ago

Becky has been able to secure resources for developing the tutorials that would replace the Flash-based videos on the old site. Kate Majewski (NLM) will partner with two Regional Medical Librarians (RMLs) affiliated with the National Networks of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) to develop the tutorials.

To get this project started, they need our assistance in identifying some of the top training priorities. Kate’s group will work to translate these priorities into measurable objectives, storyboards, and tutorials.

See https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18_GJEl8KoS1tFMU6-jn78R_bRMWCV5luwi7NMi9mWm8/edit#gid=120786177 for usage metrics of the previous set of videos.

acolter commented 7 years ago

Looks like the most frequently used tutorials during FY16-part of FY17 were:

  1. Clinical Study Details
  2. Basic Search
  3. Advanced Search