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Update USCIS team #166

Closed jpyuda closed 9 years ago

jpyuda commented 9 years ago

Still lacks Erica, who isn't on the 18F website yet. Will submit another PR when she is.

gboone commented 9 years ago

Thanks, @jpyuda. The status for this project is "Hold" can we remove that so it's published on the Dashboard?

jpyuda commented 9 years ago

Not yet -- I'd like to figure out a smart way to break it down into the multiple projects it is. Some things are live, others are in something like alpha/beta, others are in discovery.

That said, I'm opening to listing myUSCIS as the project and figuring out how to communicate that we're adding (significant chunks) of functionality as we go.

leahbannon commented 9 years ago

Closing because we are now pulling from hub data-private for this data