18F / dashboard

DEPRECATED: A site to track our projects' status and much, much more...
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Add analytics.usa.gov to dashboard #211

Closed gbinal closed 9 years ago

gbinal commented 9 years ago

Created yml file - https://github.com/18F/data-private/blob/master/projects/dap.yml

@mbland, @gboone, @yozlet, @wslack - who can get this to actually go live on /dashboard?

mbland commented 9 years ago

18F/hub#316 opens https://hub.18f.gov/hub/api/projects/ to public (i.e. unauthenticated) access. #212 updates the _data/import-public.rb script to use this endpoint (so that a public Hub release isn't required as a prerequisite) and adds DAP to the Dashboard.

BTW, with all of the Hub out in the open on the table, I'm looking to streamline this further. See 18F/hub#211 (Midas integration) for how we might be able to adapt the Dashboard to dynamically pull information from an endpoint. There's still a need to generate a page in pages/project for each project on the Dashboard, but this can possibly be changed to use API data+JS.