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Add frontend tests #217

Open yozlet opened 9 years ago

yozlet commented 9 years ago

@wslack & I found (and @mbland fixed) a bug in the project page JS: #216

Given that new commits are already going through Travis, it'd be good to have it run some frontend tests to validate code such as the above. @mbland said that the Testing & Frontend Guilds are working on a standard/best practice setup for frontend tests - let's add it to the Dashboard.

Additional tests needed:

mbland commented 9 years ago

So everything's all deployed now (had to fix some webhook issues, too): #216; #218; #219; #220.

Will try to see if I can whip up a suitable test for #216 in the next few minutes.

yozlet commented 9 years ago

Phwoar! You total ledge, Mike! (... as we say in London)

ultrasaurus commented 8 years ago

chated with @DavidEBest -- we're going to put this on hold, since it seems like there is a lot of new thinking about visual/interation design