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Fix team-api-update.js; rm extra function names #249

Closed mbland closed 9 years ago

mbland commented 9 years ago

The original promise function was returning/resolving early, causing the finish callback to fire before the actual bundle/jekyll calls. This also gets rid of the redundant function names as @arowla and @shawnbot pointed out in #247.

Also, @gboone, I noticed that the templates don't quite match up with the .about.yml data quite yet; will send a PR to munge data in the short-term, until the format stabilizes.

cc: @jeremiak @dhcole @jmcarp @monfresh @gbinal @melodykramer @leahbannon

(So close!)

mbland commented 9 years ago

Actually, dammit, wait...

mbland commented 9 years ago

This time, I made sure it cycled through a config.repoDirs that contained multiple entries and the logs showed everything executing in the correct order. (Namely, the dummy repo and the staging repo on staging.18f.us.) Previously I had only tested with one config.repoDirs entry.

And this is why we unit test. I shall add those posthaste. Up to you if you want to merge this now, or wait for my forthcoming tests.