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myUSCIS: handling private repos #253

Open anthonygarvan opened 9 years ago

anthonygarvan commented 9 years ago


I understand the USCIS project agreement predated 18F's open source policy, but it would still be nice to handle this gracefully somehow on the dashboard. Some options:

Let me know if you want a PR.

Big fan of this dashboard by the way.

ultrasaurus commented 8 years ago

thanks @anthonygarvan for opening up a github issue! Sorry to be so late in responding. It looks like this might have been partially addressed. I don't see a link to the code here: https://18f.gsa.gov/dashboard/project/uscis/ -- @DavidEBest did that get fixed in your effort to handle errors in a nicer way?

We're currently grappling with how we might represent projects which don't have a repo (or have mutliple repos). @melodykramer is getting more information from the team and is going to work on a better mockup (see issue #275). Do you have additional context about they myUSCIS support email and how it is used by our target audience or USCIS? is that how bugs are reported now?