18F / dashboard

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Small display bug for C2 on dashboard preview #328

Open mtorres253 opened 8 years ago

mtorres253 commented 8 years ago

There is a small display bug for C2 on the dashboard preview. Next to the "Forks" label, part of an error message is displaying: Liquid error: collection.slice is not

Screenshot attached

mtorres253 commented 8 years ago
screen shot 2015-12-23 at 10 54 45 am
DavidEBest commented 8 years ago

Bug is related to the liquid.js implementation. We need to either submit a bug report to the upstream repo or find a workaround.

ArcTanSusan commented 8 years ago

How do I access the dashboard preview?

DavidEBest commented 8 years ago

The preview is a work-in-progress. Here's an example: https://dashboard.18f.gov/project/preview/?url=https://github.com/18F/openopps-platform/blob/dev/.about.yml

It will parse and attempt to display any about.yml in a github repo.