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Link to ekip-related blog posts on ekip project page? #361

Open toolness opened 8 years ago

toolness commented 8 years ago


A blog post I frequently want to show friends and colleagues when I'm telling them about 18F is How to design a government site for kids. The web search I keep doing to find it is "Every kid in a park", though, which always takes me to the dashboard project page for ekip, and doesn't have links to any of the blog posts about ekip.

Would you accept a PR that adds links to these blog posts under the "related links" section of ekip-api.yml? Or should there be a separate section for blog posts? Or are blog posts not something you want displayed here at all?

(On a related note, I think it'd be cool if the list of related blog posts were dynamically generated by querying the blog for all posts with a certain tag, but that's obviously a lot more work!)