18F / dashboard

DEPRECATED: A site to track our projects' status and much, much more...
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consolidate dashboards #363

Open afeld opened 7 years ago

afeld commented 7 years ago

Right now, we have https://18f.gsa.gov/dashboard and https://dashboard.18f.gov. The latter is out-of-date, but @gboone just mentioned that the former will be removed as part of the 18F homepage redesign. I know https://github.com/18f/projects was meant to be the new home for this stuff, but not sure what the current state of it is. Not sure of the best way to proceed.

/cc @brendansudol @toolness

brendansudol commented 7 years ago

I think we should remove https://18f.gsa.gov/dashboard (as well as the dashboard code in 18f main site repo); 18f/projects should be kept; its work is ongoing though progress is slower than I hoped for as of late given other work commitments, but will be resumed soon!

afeld commented 7 years ago

Ha, and just remembered https://pages.18f.gov/team-browser/ (which is redirected to from https://hub.18f.gov/projects).