18F / epa-notice

Web interface for viewing and commenting on proposed changes to federal regulations
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Visual diff language is contradictory #436

Open konklone opened 8 years ago

konklone commented 8 years ago

When visiting this CFR change section:

I see this:

screenshot from 2016-07-03 19-36-42

The header text above reads "Section 263.20 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(8) to read as follows:", and then the text itself shows a visual diff of what was struck out.

The header text implies that the text after the header is what the CFR is being changed to, not that it's a visual diff of the changes. A literal read would suggest that the CFR is being updated to include a struck out sentence. It's certainly possible that this might not confuse people in practice, but if there's a straightforward language change that would resolve this contradiction, it can only help.

jehlers commented 7 years ago

@konklone, thanks for the feedback. In our usability testing we have so far not found any issue with the visual diffs, but I see what you are seeing here. Especially since there is no (green) text added in this paragraph to counteract the strike out.

The language you are referring to is part of the rule itself. We will keep that in mind when working with agencies moving forward.