18F / fedramp-automation

FedRAMP Automation
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Support debugging XSpec and Schematron bugs #625

Open danielnaab opened 2 years ago

danielnaab commented 2 years ago

Extended Description As a knowledgable user or internal FedRAMP stakeholder, I would like to inspect the XSpec and Schematron for the validations, so I can study the logic and determine if there is a bug that requires fixing.

Context: when browsing the rules in the web documentation, a link to the corresponding lines of code on Github would aid the user in tracking down where the rule resides and how it is structured. For instance, a rule could include a link to the corresponding assertion, eg: https://github.com/GSA/fedramp-automation/blob/master/src/validations/rules/ssp.sch#L545-L551

Acceptance Criteria

Definition of Done