We currently have a dependency on ruby to handle css linting in most of our front end apps. Ideally we should move to a node based solution. @shawnbot mentioned a tool called 'stylelint' that seems like a good fit. Most of the keys in our scss_lint.yml file map directly to rules in the stylelint library, hooray!
Rules that will require a custom plugin:
UnnecessaryParentReference ( don't have the scss foo to write this one without help )
We've broken out the stylelint configs into a separate module (here: https://github.com/18F/18F-stylelint) which will eventually be available via npm.
Acceptance Critera:
[ ] Add a helpful description of the new linter
[ ] Link the new css linting config file on the front-end guide
We currently have a dependency on ruby to handle css linting in most of our front end apps. Ideally we should move to a node based solution. @shawnbot mentioned a tool called 'stylelint' that seems like a good fit. Most of the keys in our scss_lint.yml file map directly to rules in the stylelint library, hooray!
Rules that will require a custom plugin:
ElsePlacementImportPathNameFormatPropertyCountUrlFormatWe've broken out the stylelint configs into a separate module (here: https://github.com/18F/18F-stylelint) which will eventually be available via npm.
Acceptance Critera: