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EPIC: Link templates or examples of design artifacts from the Methods #400

Open juliaklindpaintner opened 5 years ago

juliaklindpaintner commented 5 years ago


Make 18F design templates publicly available for 18F Methods cards

Break-out issues


Acceptance Criteria


đź“ť Notes doc

A Mural voting activity on 12/10/18 in the 18F Design Huddle collected most commonly produced artifacts by 18F designers. Some aligned with existing methods (e.g., Journey mapping, personas, interview guides).

We should consider linking to examples of these artifacts from existing methods as a way to further illustrate the approach and/or link existing/create new templates for these artifacts (e.g., for personas).

Definition of done: Creation of new issues to collect examples or create/link templates OR explanation of why this suggestion was rejected.

juliaklindpaintner commented 4 years ago

This issue remains relevant. Based on a survey conducted in March 2020, users of the Methods considered adding more examples of how these methods are used in government as a highly valuable enhancement.

mgwalker commented 2 years ago

Closing as stale, on the assumption that the need will resurface if it still exists.

christophermather commented 6 months ago

Per 18F/methods#522, re-opening and transferring to new, consolidated Guides repo.

nicoleslaw commented 1 month ago

This was mistakenly prioritized so I am unassigning myself in favor of higher pri tickets. However, I would recommend reviewing this Mural from Julia.

Some top contenders for examples or templates are: interviews, style tiles, journey mapping, service blueprints, prototypes, and wireframes.

bpdesigns commented 1 month ago

Moving back to icebox for now. Thank you @nicoleslaw!

bpdesigns commented 1 month ago

list of design templates

bpdesigns commented 1 month ago

@nicoleslaw FYSA I've updated this ticket based on a conversation of the design supervisory team. We have templates but have not found time to make them public yet

bpdesigns commented 3 weeks ago

Could be a good pairing ticket with someone newer and someone who has been at 18F for a while

bpdesigns commented 2 weeks ago

Once this work is complete, create an implementation ticket

melchoyce commented 2 weeks ago

Notes/tracking doc started here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V_A4coumYRphzgFt50YST6DFrqlRy9fmPdefpXxYOQk/edit?usp=sharing

melchoyce commented 2 weeks ago

Went through and reviewed all of the resources. They roughly fall into a couple categories:

You can see my breakdown, along with notes, in the doc.

@bpdesigns Do you want to go over this together?

bpdesigns commented 2 weeks ago

@melchoyce this is great. Thank you! I'm working through this. Likely will be early next week before I'm done with my review

bpdesigns commented 2 weeks ago

@melchoyce as a decision point for some of these on the fence use cases and where (1) the directions to work through the method are clear and (2) its not easy to find a standard visual in our Gdrive or murals, lets not create a template. 

bpdesigns commented 2 weeks ago

Actually @melchoyce done with initial review. Happy to meet about this early next week if you want to chat about any of it.

melchoyce commented 2 weeks ago

All of your notes make sense to me! Let's touch base next week to chat about the next couple steps. In the meantime, I'll start noting down what format each template is currently in, and make notes on what format might be best for release.

melchoyce commented 2 weeks ago

Formats: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V_A4coumYRphzgFt50YST6DFrqlRy9fmPdefpXxYOQk/edit#heading=h.l8n5fhbysoq0

bpdesigns commented 1 week ago

@melchoyce I've reviewed and found a time for us to chat tomorrow. Please move the time if needed. TY!

melchoyce commented 1 week ago

Started drafting next steps: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V_A4coumYRphzgFt50YST6DFrqlRy9fmPdefpXxYOQk/edit#heading=h.lnqqbcaogvaq

melchoyce commented 1 week ago

Updated the issue description to include all the break-out issues and the notes doc! Should be ready for someone new to continue the work during the next increment.

bpdesigns commented 1 week ago

Thanks @melchoyce !