18F / identity-analytics-etl

ETL and SQL scripts for Login.gov data warehouse and business intelligence
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Spike: future user event monitoring tool for normal behavior #193

Closed lauraGgit closed 5 years ago

lauraGgit commented 5 years ago

User story

As a product team member, I would like to be able to quickly view normal behavior patterns of end users in authentication and proofing, so that I can continuously improve the product, and set baselines for future monitoring.


What is the value to the user in this story?

What are things we should consider when making this story

Acceptance Criteria

Tasks to complete the story

Definition of Done

lauraGgit commented 5 years ago

Have mapped out the events, and pulled initial data for cloudwatch/GA/ and redshift - the tool to pull the data is about the same and to start out we will prototype with static prototypes within the google suite until we have a better sense of what will best serve us.