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seekret-rule Brainstorming #86

Open cryptofilegsa opened 7 years ago

cryptofilegsa commented 7 years ago

Some Sources of Ideas for Rules:

rogeruiz commented 7 years ago

From @monfresh https://github.com/18F/laptop/pull/69#issuecomment-266537861

If Ruby On Rails database schema file refers to something like what you would find in db/schema.rb in a typical Rails app, then it doesn't belong in the aforementioned list because that file is supposed to be checked into version control. When Rails generates this file, you'll notice the following comment:

It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system.

Same with Ruby On Rails secret token configuration file and Potential Ruby On Rails database configuration file. Those files are typically checked into Git. It's not the files themselves that are an issue, it's whether or not they contain sensitive information that should be stored in an ENV var instead.

rogeruiz commented 7 years ago

Lots of great insight when pushing git-seekrets out the door. One is that the regular expressions that we create should be specifically tied to documented ways that secrets can be included in a codebase. For other things that were mentioned above, I think having more general categories rather than one-off rules for each item in that list would be much better.

For now though the three we have are perfect. I hope more people contribute some regular expressions in the future. We've got docs for it now. 👍


cryptofilegsa commented 7 years ago

also, a rule for equifax credentials...