18F / micropurchase

18F's micro-purchase threshold experiment management app.
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Migrate micropurchase prod to govcloud #1505

Closed jcscottiii closed 7 years ago

jcscottiii commented 7 years ago

https://github.com/18F/micropurchase/pull/1504 can be merged by this one needs to wait until the DNS changes are made to point micropurchase.18f.gov to prod.

Similar to https://github.com/18F/micropurchase/pull/1504

Removes the E/W credentials entirely. Uses the GovCloud Production credentials now

jessieay commented 7 years ago

Hello! I just noticed that staging is now running at https://micropurchase-staging.app.cloud.gov -- this is breaking the Login.gov integration. When is the app expected to be running on the previous URL?

jcscottiii commented 7 years ago

@jessieay it's using the CDN broker to point all incoming traffic from https://micropurchase-staging.18f.gov to the new internal app url https://micropurchase-staging.app.cloud.gov. You won't see the extra route for 18f.gov attached to the app like you did on E/W cloud.gov. You can run cf logs on the app to see traffic too :)

jessieay commented 7 years ago

should we update the login.gov integration to use the new app url (https://micropurchase-staging.app.cloud.gov) or is it going to revert back to the previous URL?

jcscottiii commented 7 years ago

there are a few urls:

jcscottiii commented 7 years ago

also i may be missing something completely as an outsider working on this app. so let's chat today if i'm missing something on how login.gov is using micropurchase :)

jcscottiii commented 7 years ago

Just to update everyone. There's a problem when you explicitly try to hit https://micropurchase-staging.18f.gov/admin. Instead of redirecting to https://micropurchase-staging.18f.gov/admin/sign_in, it redirects to https://micropurchase-staging.app.cloud.gov/admin/sign_in

Here's a snapshot from the Chrome Developer Console when trying to hit /admin


@jessieay is looking into what's happening.

Also, this domain redirection only happens for this URI. not for others that i'm aware of.