18F / myusa

MyUSA was a single sign-on project for government, now deprecated. (More info: https://18f.gsa.gov/2015/05/18/myusa/)
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Document tools we use in development/deployment #148

Open yozlet opened 10 years ago

yozlet commented 10 years ago

http://hakiri.io - Performs automated static analysis of Ruby & Rails apps, and warns about security holes in the code or dependencies.

cpapazian commented 10 years ago

we should just use code climate.

polastre commented 10 years ago

@cpapazian but code climate costs money.

polastre commented 9 years ago

18F already uses Hakiri, and we've run it on MyUSA. See details here: https://hakiri.io/github/18F/myusa/devel

polastre commented 9 years ago

@yozlet or @cpapazian do we want to list what tools we're using in the MyUSA readme (or put "badges"), like for SnapCI and Hakiri?

cpapazian commented 9 years ago

:-1: on badges 'n stuff.

polastre commented 9 years ago

@cpapazian A wiki page of the tools we use?

polastre commented 9 years ago

We should have links to SnapCI, Hakiri, Huboard, and anything else we use.