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Follow up: Product Design annual report idea #1

Open AvivaOskow opened 4 years ago

AvivaOskow commented 4 years ago

A while ago we had worked on an idea to create some sort of artifact to document the work we did in the past year. We started ideating here:


This might not seem that relevant now, but I do think the idea of somehow doing a nice presentation of what we've worked on could be good still. But maybe it could take the form of a blog post or a series of blog posts? Something that we can make it be more of a learning/inspiration tool rather than a pat on the back? (Something that feels more of a justifiable use of our time).

nickttng commented 4 years ago

For what it's worth — A part of me (okay, a big part) wants to spin up a dedicated site via USWDS x GitHub Pages (or customized Federalist-Jekyll/Gatsby) for an annual report. Something that'd wow internally and be a great recruiting tool for product design at 18F.