18F / product-design

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Create & maintain an illustration/graphics resource library #18

Open nickttng opened 4 years ago

nickttng commented 4 years ago

Why: As a 18F colleague, I want a centralized repository (GH) or folder (GDrive) to drop in illustrations/graphics.

Context: @igorkorenfeld (the original reporter of this ticket) has noticed this issue based on an experience with his project team and social media / outreach team.


AC: A centralized location for illustrations/graphics is created AC: A spreadsheet listing links is created AC: If needed, announce via appropriate channels

quarterback commented 4 years ago

@igorkorenfeld Whenever you get a chance, just let us know if you've made any progress on this (but no pressure, know you're busy!)

igorkorenfeld commented 4 years ago

No progress just yet other than thinking about it, will try to get it moving next week. Appreciate the check-in!