18F / pulse

How the federal .gov domain space is doing at best practices and policies.
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Best-Practices #733

Closed jalbertbowden closed 6 years ago

jalbertbowden commented 6 years ago

Section 508 compliance is a best practice that has been around longer than mandatory HTTPS conversion and digital analytics. That should not only be tracked, but prominently displayed on pulse as well. Document validation should but held to this standard as well, but I'm sure I just lost 99.99999% of anyone who read this with that statement. Happy to convince you all at another time, just ask!

Is there a defined set of best-practices for federal sites? I can think of a number of the top of my head that I'd like to see in place: document naming conventions uri naming conventions naming conventions redirects linkrot subdomains foss alternatives offered to citizens email naming conventions document creation conventions cross-browser implementations cross-platform implementations cross-device implementations archiving

Perhaps this isn't the best place for this discussion? If so, I apologize. More than happy to take this to the correct forum.

gbinal commented 6 years ago

Hi @jalbertbowden - these are all great ideas.

There's an accessibility section that is released for agencies as a pilot section of the website and we hope to one day activate it on the public site.

There's a page where we've been tracking ideas for other sections to the site and I've added a link to this issue to include these ideas in future consideration.

For now though, we are not actively developing new sections of the site, so I'm going to go ahead and close the issue. Thanks for the feedback though. We'll be sure to post issues to this repo if and when the project is able to expand further.