Thanks for offering to give a talk at a Tech Talks meeting! We just need a bit of information from you.
What's your talk title?
Advent of Code 2021
What's your talk about?
I'd like to do a short talk (15 minutes) on advent of code preferably right before it starts (December 1) to invite people to our Slack channel (advent-of-code-2021) and explain what makes it fun and a cool learning experience. I will share some of my favorite past problems and how I approach the challenges.
Tech Talk Submission
Thanks for offering to give a talk at a Tech Talks meeting! We just need a bit of information from you.
What's your talk title?
Advent of Code 2021
What's your talk about?
I'd like to do a short talk (15 minutes) on advent of code preferably right before it starts (December 1) to invite people to our Slack channel (advent-of-code-2021) and explain what makes it fun and a cool learning experience. I will share some of my favorite past problems and how I approach the challenges.
How long is your talk?
Do you have any preferred dates for it?