18F / web-design-standards-drupal

A Drupal base theme that uses the U.S. Web Design System. (ARCHIVED)
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Inventory components #15

Open fureigh opened 8 years ago

AlexBrown-appnovation commented 8 years ago

I'm currently working on a backlog of default components that will need customization in order to achieve parity with the US Web Design Standards playbook. I'm looking to release it over the next week or so - starting in this issue thread.

fureigh commented 8 years ago

@AlexBrown-appnovation Great! Is your work in progress in a shareable format? Mine's in a sketchbook but I'll be typing it up soon.

fureigh commented 8 years ago

Odd... I got a GitHub notification for "Current Inventory List." Perhaps the comment's been deleted.

AlexBrown-appnovation commented 8 years ago

This is based on what is listed in https://playbook.cio.gov/designstandards/ page, as well as the output of the Styleguide module when the theme is activated and you navigate to /admin/appearance/styleguide/us_web_design_standards.

Phase 1 - Playbook

Phase 1 - Drupal Specific

Phase 2 - Playbook

The ultimate goal here is to create tasks out of this list that the community can take on like a project backlog.

fureigh commented 8 years ago

I'll start creating tasks for these components, making a d7- and d8-tagged issue for each for the sake of clarity. Thanks again for this rundown, @AlexBrown-appnovation.

If it becomes necessary to have more of a living document for this list, I can open this repo's wiki, but right now that seems like overkill.

iris-i commented 8 years ago

Thanks for building out these stub tickets @fureigh. Are we also looking to tame some extra drupal markup that comes with some of these elements? Wondering if some template overrides for things like the search form, menus, blocks etc. will be useful? Referring to the drupal 7 theme, since drupal 8 already strips a lot of extra markup & classes cc: @AlexBrown-appnovation

AlexBrown-appnovation commented 8 years ago

I would say that you're going for 1:1 parity (within reason) to the USWDS markup. So any template overrides etc that you need to incorporate to do so would be a good idea!

patrickcate commented 8 years ago

The various alerts are marked as completed, but they are appearing unstyled to me in the D7 version:

screen shot 2016-04-24 at 9 55 35 pm