198808xc / Pangu-Weather

An official implementation of Pangu-Weather
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Ensemble prediction #23

Open shoyer opened 1 year ago

shoyer commented 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing your models!

It would be interesting for the community to be able to run the ensemble version of Pangu weather (i.e., the version from Figure 5 of the Nature paper). Is this something you could share?


198808xc commented 1 year ago

Hi Stephen,

Yes. Given any input data (IFS initial or reanalysis), you can make use of the last section of our pseudocode to add Perlin noise to the input data. With these perturbed inputs, you can get a large number (e.g., 99+1 as in our paper) of forecast results, on which you can make an ensemble forecast.

Best, Lingxi

HanPPYi commented 10 months ago


您好,所提供伪代码的PerlinNoise()部分: perlin_noise = noise_scale*GenerateFractalNoise((H, W), (period_number, period_number), octaves, persistence)

但根据https://github.com/pvigier/perlin-numpy/中的参数设置: generate_fractal_noise_3d(shape, res, octaves=1, persistence=0.5, lacunarity=2,tileable=(False, False, False)) 其中shape, res需要是(tuple of 3 ints),和伪代码中传入的(H, W), (period_number, period_number),维度不符。

