1995eaton / chromium-vim

Vim bindings for Google Chrome.
MIT License
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Uncaught TypeError: main.createShadowRoot is not a function #738

Open meisamdev opened 3 years ago

meisamdev commented 3 years ago

i have 3 errors when using this plugin

the first and second errors image
image And The Lats Error

And (F) key not working for any site

(I using "Load unpacked" in Google Chrome) My Google Chrome Version 85.0.4183.83 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Green-Robot-Dev-Studios commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue! f and F doesn't work for me too.

Green-Robot-Dev-Studios commented 3 years ago

734 Same issue. Just change line 727 of hints.js in the latest release to

Hints.shadowDOM = main.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}); and it should work.