1996scarlet / OpenVtuber

虚拟爱抖露(アイドル)共享计划, 是基于单目RGB摄像头的人眼与人脸特征点检测算法, 在实时3D面部捕捉以及模型驱动领域的应用.
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Inaccurate arrow of gaze estimation #12

Open vladimirmujagic opened 3 years ago

vladimirmujagic commented 3 years ago


I did some qualitative assessment using my own data trying to test face alignment + headpose + gaze. I merged some code from this repository and some additional code from lazer eye as you reffered to be able to render gaze arrow.

Its works well however to me it seems that the arrow is inverted in comparison to iris localization.

Code used for rendering:

Used constants

    YAW_THD = 45
    SIN_LEFT_THETA = 2 * sin(pi / 4)
    SIN_UP_THETA = sin(pi / 6)

Video processing

         while capture.isOpened():
                ret, frame = capture.read()
                if not ret:

                bboxes, _ = fd.inference(frame)

                detections = []
                for landmarks in fa.get_landmarks(frame, bboxes):
                    euler_angle = hp.get_head_pose(landmarks)
                    pitch, yaw, roll = euler_angle[:, 0]

                    eye_markers = np.take(landmarks, fa.eye_bound, axis=0)

                    eye_centers = np.average(eye_markers, axis=1)

                    eye_lengths = (landmarks[[39, 93]] - landmarks[[35, 89]])[:, 0]

                    iris_left = gs.get_mesh(frame, eye_lengths[0], eye_centers[0])
                    pupil_left, _ = gs.draw_pupil(iris_left, frame, thickness=1)

                    iris_right = gs.get_mesh(frame, eye_lengths[1], eye_centers[1])
                    pupil_right, _ = gs.draw_pupil(iris_right, frame, thickness=1)

                    pupils = np.array([pupil_left, pupil_right])

                    poi = landmarks[[35, 89]], landmarks[[39, 93]], pupils, eye_centers
                    theta, pha, delta = calculate_3d_gaze(frame, poi)

                    if yaw > 30:
                        end_mean = delta[0]
                    elif yaw < -30:
                        end_mean = delta[1]
                        end_mean = np.average(delta, axis=0)

                    if end_mean[0] < 0:
                        zeta = arctan(end_mean[1] / end_mean[0]) + pi
                        zeta = arctan(end_mean[1] / (end_mean[0] + 1e-7))

                    if roll < 0:
                        roll += 180
                        roll -= 180

                    real_angle = zeta + roll * pi / 180

                    R = norm(end_mean)
                    offset = R * cos(real_angle), R * sin(real_angle)

                    landmarks[[38, 92]] = landmarks[[34, 88]] = eye_centers

                    draw_sticker(frame, offset, pupils, landmarks)
                        'landmarks': [lm.tolist() for lm in landmarks],
                        'offset': offset,
                        'pupils': [p.tolist() for p in pupils],
                        'iris_left': [il.tolist() for il in iris_left],
                        'iris_right': [ir.tolist() for ir in iris_right]

                json_result[frame_id] = detections
                frame_id += 1

Draw arrows + landmarks

def draw_sticker(src, offset, pupils, landmarks,
                 arrow_color=(0, 125, 255), copy=False):
    if copy:
        src = src.copy()

    left_eye_hight = landmarks[33, 1] - landmarks[40, 1]
    left_eye_width = landmarks[39, 0] - landmarks[35, 0]

    right_eye_hight = landmarks[87, 1] - landmarks[94, 1]
    right_eye_width = landmarks[93, 0] - landmarks[89, 0]

    for mark in landmarks.reshape(-1, 2).astype(int):
        cv2.circle(src, tuple(mark), radius=1,
                   color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1)

    if left_eye_hight / left_eye_width > blink_thd:
        cv2.arrowedLine(src, tuple(pupils[0].astype(int)),
                        tuple((offset+pupils[0]).astype(int)), arrow_color, 2)

    if right_eye_hight / right_eye_width > blink_thd:
        cv2.arrowedLine(src, tuple(pupils[1].astype(int)),
                        tuple((offset+pupils[1]).astype(int)), arrow_color, 2)

    return src
1996scarlet commented 3 years ago

lol, this might be a bug. It is recommended to add head pose euler angle when estimating eye information. I will check later

vladimirmujagic commented 3 years ago

Any progress on this issue, would lazer eye work correctly as standalone ?