1996scarlet / OpenVtuber

虚拟爱抖露(アイドル)共享计划, 是基于单目RGB摄像头的人眼与人脸特征点检测算法, 在实时3D面部捕捉以及模型驱动领域的应用.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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np.int gives errors #26

Open adrlau opened 10 months ago

adrlau commented 10 months ago

I got a lot of complaints when running about np.int being deprecated (python3.11, numpy1.26.0) This is mainly in the SolvePnPHeadPoseEstimation.py and in the vtuber_link_start.py.
I did change the np.int to int as the error message asked, and now i am able to at least test facial expressions even if the head pose estimator seems to not work for me.

1996scarlet commented 2 months ago

All right, it is time to update the python dependencies.