1996xjm / TVBOT

Beautify the phylogenetic tree using one Excel sheet only
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Coloring of internal nodes of the tree #3

Open santule opened 10 months ago

santule commented 10 months ago

Hello, Thank you for making amazing software. It is very flexible and easy to work with. I am including a citiation for your work in my paper. My work is primarily with Ancestral sequence reconstruction (ASR). As such, we are very interested in labelling, colouring and attaching properties to the internal nodes of the tree. I see that the leaves of the trees have many functionalities attached to them which allows us to explore their categories, properties etc using heatmaps, bar graphs etc.

We are interested in

  1. colouring internal nodes of the tree.
  2. Ability to show mutiple properties of the internal nodes of the tree.
  3. color all nodes ( internal + leaf) by common category or value. Thanks, Sanjana
1996xjm commented 10 months ago

I appreciate your positive feedback. It would be great if you could provide me with some example tree figures that include your interesting annotation types.