19rick96 / QA

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Question on you JSON RPC server #1

Open pchowdhry opened 8 years ago

pchowdhry commented 8 years ago

HI i was trying to get your implementation running (very cool and complete test bed), but am having problems with the utils and serverproxy imports. I've seen some stuff on the net about a custom implementation for the Stanford NLP toolkit. Can you give me a pointer?



19rick96 commented 8 years ago

https://github.com/dasmith/stanford-corenlp-python This link contains a Python interface to the Stanford NLP toolkit with complete instructions on running it. The "stanfordNLP" class in utils.py is useless without the files in the above link. It is there because I was using stanfordNLP toolkits for a few experiments, but later on I removed them but forgot to remove the codes from utils.py . Nonetheless, if you want to use it , clone the repo from above link and set up a server by running corenlp.py as given in the README of the above repo . Alternatively you can run the Toolkit on your local machine but better use the server as it utilizes a lot of RAM.

cheers Raunak

pchowdhry commented 8 years ago

Great, i'll just comment it out for now, to get thing working and then as I look to make mods, see if it is necessary to work it back in.

Appreciate the quick response


tienduccao commented 7 years ago

The following python file should resolve ImportError: cannot import name ServerProxy

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dasmith/stanford-corenlp-python/master/jsonrpc.py