1C3 / ICEcons

IC3 icon pack
GNU General Public License v3.0
21 stars 1 forks source link

Icon Request #5

Closed ghost closed 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago


Habe some icons that i need

BlaBlaCar (Google Play) c:geo (Google Play) Cabinet Beta (fdroid) DAVdroid(fdroid) Etar(fdroid) Fennec F-Droid Google (Google Play) Kalenderfarben(fdroid) KeePassDroid(fdroid) LeafPic(fdroid) LibreSignal(fdroid) RadioDroid(fdroid) RunnerUp(fdroid) Sieben(FDroid) Waze(Google Play) Wunderlist(Google Play)

<!-- BlaBlaCar -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{com.comuto/com.comuto.v3.activity.ProxyActivity}" drawable="com_comuto_com_comuto_v3_activity_ProxyActivity"/>
<!-- c:geo -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{cgeo.geocaching/cgeo.geocaching.MainActivity}" drawable="cgeo_geocaching_cgeo_geocaching_MainActivity"/>
<!-- Cabinet Beta -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{com.afollestad.cabinet/com.afollestad.cabinet.ui.MainActivity}" drawable="com_afollestad_cabinet_com_afollestad_cabinet_ui_MainActivity"/>
<!-- DAVdroid -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{at.bitfire.davdroid/at.bitfire.davdroid.ui.AccountsActivity}" drawable="at_bitfire_davdroid_at_bitfire_davdroid_ui_AccountsActivity"/>
<!-- Etar -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{ws.xsoh.etar/com.android.calendar.AllInOneActivity}" drawable="ws_xsoh_etar_com_android_calendar_AllInOneActivity"/>
<!-- Fennec F-Droid -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid/org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid.App}" drawable="org_mozilla_fennec_fdroid_org_mozilla_fennec_fdroid_App"/>
<!-- Google -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.SearchActivity}" drawable="com_google_android_googlequicksearchbox_com_google_android_googlequicksearchbox_SearchActivity"/>
<!-- Kalenderfarben -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{ch.ihdg.calendarcolor/ch.ihdg.calendarcolor.CalendarListActivity}" drawable="ch_ihdg_calendarcolor_ch_ihdg_calendarcolor_CalendarListActivity"/>
<!-- KeePassDroid -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{com.android.keepass/com.android.keepass.KeePass}" drawable="com_android_keepass_com_android_keepass_KeePass"/>
<!-- LeafPic -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{com.horaapps.leafpic/com.horaapps.leafpic.SplashScreen}" drawable="com_horaapps_leafpic_com_horaapps_leafpic_SplashScreen"/>
<!-- LibreSignal -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{org.libresignal/org.thoughtcrime.securesms.RoutingActivity}" drawable="org_libresignal_org_thoughtcrime_securesms_RoutingActivity"/>
<!-- RadioDroid -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{net.programmierecke.radiodroid2/net.programmierecke.radiodroid2.ActivityMain}" drawable="net_programmierecke_radiodroid2_net_programmierecke_radiodroid2_ActivityMain"/>
<!-- RunnerUp -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{org.runnerup/org.runnerup.view.MainLayout}" drawable="org_runnerup_org_runnerup_view_MainLayout"/>
<!-- Sieben -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{de.baumann.sieben/de.baumann.sieben.MainActivity}" drawable="de_baumann_sieben_de_baumann_sieben_MainActivity"/>
<!-- Waze -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{com.waze/com.waze.FreeMapAppActivity}" drawable="com_waze_com_waze_FreeMapAppActivity"/>
<!-- Wunderlist -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{com.wunderkinder.wunderlistandroid/com.wunderkinder.wunderlistandroid.activity.WLMainFragmentActivity}" drawable="com_wunderkinder_wunderlistandroid_com_wunderkinder_wunderlistandroid_activity_WLMainFragmentActivity"/>
1C3 commented 8 years ago

Thank you for providing the necessary componentinfo, I'm quite busy with other projects right now but I should be able to add all the icons before the end of the next week, together with the other pending requests

ghost commented 8 years ago

Really cool thanks for it

baconicsynergy commented 8 years ago

This shall be the greateat icon pack in all the land

conrad-heimbold commented 8 years ago

The problem with icons from companies like BlaBlaCar is the following: they actually forbid you to change their logos / icons, have a look onto BlaBlaCar's impressum for example. (For BlaBlaCar, the good thing is, they allow you to use their content for "private, non-commercial use"; but that does not have to be the case for other companies). So you have to start from scratch and kind of re-invent those logos: it should still look like the original one (it should have a recognition value); but it also should not be too similar to the original one in order to not commit a copyright infringement. We all know: even if it is a copyright infringement, most companies don't care at all; but you still want to be on the safe side, don't you?

1C3 commented 8 years ago

I'm not that worried about copyright because:

1C3 commented 8 years ago

Now that I think about it, wikipedia's is the only icon which contains external assets, but they have a very permissive policy so it's not a problem

conrad-heimbold commented 8 years ago

OT: @1C3, can I help you and design some icons in Inkscape; or do you want to be the only maker of icons?

1C3 commented 8 years ago

Not really, while I greatly enjoy the help with gathering information about the apps, I'd rather remain the only artist behind the pack.

baconicsynergy commented 8 years ago

I think for the most part things should be fine, but I am concerned about the non-commercial licenses, as they are considered non-free

1C3 commented 8 years ago

Release 2.5 is here, should also be on fdroid tomorrow, check it out and if everything is ok close the issue. Also @baconicsynergy the icons which I inspire mine from might be non free, but they're not in the app so it doesn't matter, every graphical asset in my repo is free.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Thanks for that wonderful icons. Here are some next :)

And Bible Clash Royale FreeOTP Kontakte LibreSignal

<!-- And Bible -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{net.bible.android.activity/net.bible.android.activity.StartupActivity}" drawable="net_bible_android_activity_net_bible_android_activity_StartupActivity"/>
<!-- Clash Royale -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{com.supercell.clashroyale/com.supercell.clashroyale.GameApp}" drawable="com_supercell_clashroyale_com_supercell_clashroyale_GameApp"/>
<!-- FreeOTP -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{org.fedorahosted.freeotp/org.fedorahosted.freeotp.MainActivity}" drawable="org_fedorahosted_freeotp_org_fedorahosted_freeotp_MainActivity"/>
<!-- Kontakte -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{com.android.contacts/com.android.contacts.activities.PeopleActivity}" drawable="com_android_contacts_com_android_contacts_activities_PeopleActivity"/>
<!-- LibreSignal -->
<item component="ComponentInfo{org.thoughtcrime.securesms/org.thoughtcrime.securesms.RoutingActivity}" drawable="org_thoughtcrime_securesms_org_thoughtcrime_securesms_RoutingActivity"/>
ghost commented 8 years ago

And there is an error with music. Before the update I had an icon now it is gone

1C3 commented 8 years ago

I added the requested icons and checked the music one but can't find anything wrong, are you sure the problem is not on your end ?

ghost commented 8 years ago

Yeah the error is in my site sorry