1ForeverHD / TopbarPlus

Construct dynamic and intuitive topbar icons. Enhance the appearance and behaviour of these icons with features such as themes, dropdowns and menus.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
95 stars 123 forks source link

Not Working #72

Closed davi99opq closed 6 months ago

davi99opq commented 1 year ago


wait(1) local u1 = {"", "K+", "M+", "B+", "T+","Q+","QD+"} function v1(p1) for v2 = 1,#u1 do if tonumber(p1) < 10 ^ (v23) then return math.floor(p1/(10 ^ ((v2- 1)3)/100))/100 .. u1[v2] end end end

local LLA = "Level: "..v1(Player.Minutes.Value).."" local CSA = "Cash: "..v1(Player.Cash.Value).."" local RBA = "Robux Donated: "..v1(Player.Robux.Value)..""

local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") local GamepassId = 80750386 -- VIP GAMEPASS ID GOES HERE local GroupId = 8801180 -- GROUP ID GOES HERE local Role = "- Guest -" pcall(function() Role = Player:GetRoleInGroup(GroupId)

if Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupId) == 2 then
    Role = "-[โœ”]- Verified"
    Image = "rbxassetid://12480320994"
elseif Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupId) == 253 then
    Role = "-[๐Ÿ› ]- Admim"
    Image = "rbxassetid://9961228403"
elseif Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupId) == 254 then
    Role = "-[๐Ÿ› ]- Developer"
    Image = "rbxassetid://6935096958"
elseif Player.UserId == BugP then
    Role = "-[๐Ÿž]- Bug Hunter"
    Image = "rbxassetid://7562374548"
elseif Player.UserId == HakP then
    Role = "-[๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป]- Hacker Hunter"
    Image = "rbxassetid://12992861282"


end) if MarketplaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(Player.UserId, GamepassId) then local Rank = "-[๐Ÿ‘‘]- VC+ | "..Role.."" local Image = "rbxassetid://11105859427" end local Rank = Role local image = Image local image2 = nil if Player.Name == "davi99opq" or "tsbhd3" then Rank = "-[โœ”]- Verified | Owner" Image = "rbxassetid://6935098002" end

local Cimage = "rbxassetid://11317276252" local Limage = "rbxassetid://7185432301" local Rimage = "rbxassetid://11560341132"

Icon.new() :set("dropdownSquareCorners", false) :setName("Info") :setImage(7072705810) -- Image Icon Here :setRight(Icon) -- Setting it to the right :setTheme(Themes.BlueGradient) -- Setting Theme Here :setCaption("Status") -- Caption Here :setDropdown({

--[Cash Satus]

:setCornerRadius(0, 8)

--[Level Satus]
:setCornerRadius(0, 8)
:setLabel(LLA) -- TEXT HERE
--[Rank Satus]
:setCornerRadius(0, 8)
:setLabel("You Rank is: "..Rank.."") -- TEXT HERE
--[Robux Satus]--
:setCornerRadius(0, 8)

}) Player.Robux.Value.Changed:Connect(function() IconControler.updateTopbar(Icon) end) Player.Minutes.Value.Changed:Connect(function() IconControler.updateTopbar(Icon) end) Player.Cash.Value.Changed:Connect(function() IconControler.updateTopbar(Icon) end)