1Ghasthunter1 / Helium_RMS

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Source doc and payload decoder request #1

Closed denicola2 closed 2 years ago

denicola2 commented 2 years ago

Hi! This is incredible work and I'm in the process of integrating it to a larger RAK WisBlock based project. I am curious about where you found the settings commands documented. Also if you had written a decoder to be used in Helium console that you wouldn't mind sharing. Thank you!

1Ghasthunter1 commented 2 years ago

Hi there, to be completely honest, the settings are not easily available and a lot of it was done through brute-force testing. Most serial commands, however, are based off of an old word doc with communicating with Renogy's rover product from several years back.

I will try to find that document and will publish it once I do

Helium console code is as follows:

var error_messages = {
    "16": "battery over-discharged",
    "17": "battery over_voltage",
    "18": "battery under-voltage warning",
    "19": "load short circuit",
    "20": "load overpowered or over-current",
    "21": "controller overheating",
    "22": "ambient temperature too high",
    "23": "photovoltaic input overpower",
    "24": "photovoltaic input side short circuit",
    "25": "photovoltaic input side over-voltage",
    "26": "solar panel counter-current",
    "27": "solar panel over-voltage",
    "28": "solar panel reversely connected",
    "29": "anti-reverse MOS short",
    "30": "circuit charge MOS short circuit",

function Decoder(bytes, port) {
    Decoded bytes are two-bit and represent the following:
    bytes 0 and 1 -- Solar Panel Voltage
    bytes 2 and 3 -- Solar Panel Current
    bytes 4 and 5 -- Solar Panel Watts
    bytes 6 and 7 -- Battery Voltage
    bytes 8 and 9 -- Battery Current
    bytes 10 and 11 -- Battery charge percent
    bytes 12 and 13 -- Load Voltage
    bytes 14 and 15 -- Load Current
    bytes 16 and 17 -- Load Watts
    bytes 18 and 19 -- Load Status (either 0 or 1 in second byte)
    bytes 20 and 21 -- error messages in binary. Must convert to 1's and 0's corresponding to the renogy MODBUS lib.
    byte 22 is the received downlink confirmation
    bytes 23 to 32 are the lat/long, in the format: 23-26 lat, 27 polarity (0x00 positive, 0xFF negative), 28-31 long, 32 polarity.

    var decoded = {};
    decoded.solar_voltage = hex_to_dec(bytes[0], bytes[1]) / 10.0;
    decoded.solar_current = hex_to_dec(bytes[2], bytes[3]) / 100.0;
    decoded.solar_power = hex_to_dec(bytes[4], bytes[5]);
    decoded.batt_voltage = hex_to_dec(bytes[6], bytes[7]) / 10.0;
    decoded.batt_current = hex_to_dec(bytes[8], bytes[9]) / 100.0;
    decoded.batt_percent = hex_to_dec(bytes[10], bytes[11]);
    decoded.load_voltage = hex_to_dec(bytes[12], bytes[13]) / 10.0;
    decoded.load_current = hex_to_dec(bytes[14], bytes[15]) / 100.0;
    decoded.load_power = hex_to_dec(bytes[16], bytes[17]);

    //Reqires special processing. Within bytes[18], b7 represents the load, where 1 is on and 0 is off. b0-b6 represent the percent output from 00H to 64H.
    //The second byte, bytes[19], represents the charging status from 00H to 06H
    decoded.load_status = bytes[18] >> 7 & 1;
    decoded.load_percent_output = bytes[18] & 01111111;
    decoded.charge_status = bytes[19];

        var decodedmsg = decode_error_msg(bytes[20], bytes[21])
    decoded.error_msgs = decodedmsg.errors;

    decoded.last_downlink_received = bytes[22];

    decoded.RMS_battery_voltage= (bytes[24] << 8) | bytes[23];
    //decoded.b3 = bytes[25];
    //decoded.b4 = bytes[26];
    //decoded.latitude = decode_coordinate(bytes, 23);
    //decoded.longitude = decode_coordinate(bytes, 27);

    return decoded;

function hex_to_dec(byte1, byte2) {
    return ((byte1 << 8) + byte2);


function decode_coordinate(recvd_array, start_idx) {
    var decoded_int =  (recvd_array[start_idx+3] << 24) + (recvd_array[start_idx+2] << 16) + (recvd_array[start_idx+1] << 8) + recvd_array[start_idx];

    return decoded_int ;


function decode_error_msg(highByte, lowByte) {
    var errors = [];
    var sixteen_bit_byte = ((highByte << 8) + lowByte);
    for (var i = 15; i > -1; i--) {
        var bitval = (sixteen_bit_byte >> i) & 00000001;
        if (bitval == 1) {
            var error = error_messages[(i + 16).toString()];
            if (error != null) {

    return {errors: errors};