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Deploy celeste backend #2

Closed willjgriff closed 3 years ago

willjgriff commented 3 years ago

We need to fork and deploy the court backend and connect it to our deployment of Celeste.


Some of the features likely in the current repo that are required include:

There may be other features included but we must ensure that at the least the above services are provided.

Whatever account calls the contract functions draft() and settle() will be rewarded some amount of HNY. All HNY earned by the service should be sent to the common pool periodically. We will manually top up the service with xDAI to call the functions. In the future we may make the service convert the HNY to xDAI but for now we'll top it up manually (unless it seems straight forward to implement).

There is also feature to auto reveal votes which needs to be disabled. When keepers/jurors vote it is using a commit-reveal process. They will have 2 days to vote on an issue using a hash of their vote, then 2 days to reveal their vote. These services provide an auto-reveal option so users don't have to return to reveal their vote, which we want to disable.

EDIT: The below additional function is no longer needed thanks to @onbjerg implementing it.

We will also need to add a new contract function which is to be called once an hour. This function will update the price oracle used for updating the courts fee prices. The courts fee prices are valued in HNY so they periodically need updating to be equal to a stable value. The code for oracle can be found here: https://github.com/1Hive/uniswap-v2-periphery/blob/master/contracts/examples/IncentivisedSlidingWindowOracle.sol and the function that requires calling is update(). When ready I can get the ABI.

xDAI oracle address: 0x62f0362f801E1486f1087EA6D4048390Eb93cf48 xDAI update call: update("0x71850b7e9ee3f13ab46d67167341e4bdc905eef9", "0xe91d153e0b41518a2ce8dd3d7944fa863463a97d")

Rinkeby oracle address: 0xEa6d3F03d3A7bFa02cC7Ab9AA1df5cDC515b3627 Rinkeby update call: update("0x6D769dF557BF453ff63e1B985Fb575C7ffEE13b6", "0x4ABE2999dea3332d2c798e92b81A0c1df1A6cc5f")

crisog commented 3 years ago

The backend was deployed on December 17th, now adding it to the dashboard for reference.

http://celeste-app-rinkeby.1hive.org/ http://celeste-monitoring-rinkeby.1hive.org/ http://celeste-server-rinkeby.1hive.org/

There were a few errors that showed up after I changed the court address to the latest deployment on Rinkeby: 0xdA4d0E51dD16D0b2A0baA81aE48D990926958B28

crisog commented 3 years ago

I will add the mentioned additional services as soon as they are deployed.