1Hive / communication

A place to keep track of all the ways we communicate with the world
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Choose Communication Channels #1

Open yeqbfgxjiq opened 5 years ago

yeqbfgxjiq commented 5 years ago

Since 1Hive is all about community, and the MVP is going to ship soon, it makes sense to start thinking about how to tell people about this so they can get involved.

I think there's a lot of people who want this stuff, but don't know what's available or how to use it. There is so much untapped utility in the Aragon ecosystem because people don’t really have good examples and documentation on how to leverage these tools. Onboarding docs, education, and outreach initiatives (marketing) could go a long way to help people. Too often brilliant dev projects starve in the graveyard of obscurity. I think we should really focus on community engagement as part of our efforts. That's not to say community engagement just to get likes or reposts, but to actually find people who want to use DAOs and help them understand how they can :)

We need to decide:

Current Channels

We have a bunch of social media account/channels we can leverage too if we want

Note: I'm not saying that we should use all of these channels, but just documenting that they exist and that they're an option. I'm actually really happy with Keybase rn, but most people aren't on Keybase, so it's worth considering 1 or 2 options to expand into as well.

Potential Channels

We can also reach out to newsletters, podcasts, any media creators in the crypto/blockchain/ethereum space to tell them about 1Hive

Aragon Community Channels

Ethereum Community Channels

FLOSS Community: anyone who really cares about FLOSS



lkngtn commented 5 years ago


yeqbfgxjiq commented 5 years ago

I agree on all points.

I don't think we need more than 1 email address right now, but if being an email admin becomes a chore we can add people or just share the same account. I think it makes sense to focus on using a newsletter and social media to drive engagement, and then using Keybase for messaging. I can't imagine someone wanting to email the project vs chatting on Twitter/Keybase/Reddit/etc...

Regarding the blog, there's pros and cons:

With that in mind, I recommend using the website blog and sharing that when we promote 1Hive on Reddit, Twitter, etc... in order to drive more engagement to the homepage and thus the project as a whole