1Hive / kit

A template for sustainable community driven organizations
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1Hive DAO Template/Creator #3

Closed yeqbfgxjiq closed 5 years ago

yeqbfgxjiq commented 5 years ago

An easy to deploy DAO template that ships with the current 1Hive model.

Should be as easy to deploy as npx create-hive-org <name> or going to https://rinkeby.1hive.bzz/#/

yeqbfgxjiq commented 5 years ago


It kind of seems like before doing all that we need to just get the basic model working, but we don't even have all the TPS apps shipped to Rinkeby yet (payroll app).

lkngtn commented 5 years ago

My feeling is that it would be useful to have the kit for development purposes, and this is probably a higher priority than the docusaurus template.

While we don't have all the apps (redemptions, payroll) installed or configured in our rinkeby oranization. Deploying via the CLI is time consuming, and if we install something like payroll/redemptions and it breaks, we cannot uninstall those apps, so would need to redeploy from scratch. For this reason it would be really helpful to be able to deploy a test organization via the kit to make sure things are stable before adding to the org we are actively using to test the process.

Once we have the kit set up, we will be able to make small adjustments to it to test different configurations with little effort. We can also re-use this for the grants kit. So if there are technical challenges with setting up the Kit now, I think we should identify what those are and ask for help.

yeqbfgxjiq commented 5 years ago

I agree, but I can't build the template because my dev environment is on a headless VM and something in the aragon devchain triggers a command to open a browser with localhost, but there is no browser, so it crashes. I asked this question in the Aragon chat dev-help section multiple times with no response. As is, I'm moving on to work on other things. If this can get resolved, however, then I'm happy to work on the template. Right now though, I'm contributing where I can which is the docs/website stuff. Also, moved my technical difficulty posts to #7 so that this thread can stay focused on how/what the 1Hive Template will look like.

yeqbfgxjiq commented 5 years ago

Just created a new repo to focus on the actual development of a generic 1Hive DAO Template and docs around that.

yeqbfgxjiq commented 5 years ago

Closing because this whole repo is being archived and moved to https://github.com/1Hive/dao-template or https://github.com/1Hive/dandelion-kit