1Password / connect

Access your 1Password secrets using a 1Password Connect Server
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Remove filesystem permissions check #76

Open uhthomas opened 9 months ago

uhthomas commented 9 months ago

It's good practice to set strict security contexts for containers and pods in Kubernetes, but connect won't start if the directory is not owned by the current user - even if it can write to it. I feel this is counter-productive and should be removed. I don't see how this condition improves security, and only serves to weaken it in environments with proper security contexts.

❯ k logs onepassword-connect-85bf47bb57-4c9tc
Defaulted container "connect-api" out of: connect-api, connect-sync
Error: Server: (failed to OpenDefault), Wrapped: (failed to defaultPath), failed to ConfigDir: Can't continue. We can't safely access "/.op" because it's not owned by the current user. Change the owner or logged in user and try again.
security context
securityContext: {
    capabilities: drop: ["ALL"]
    readOnlyRootFilesystem:   true
    allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
pod security context
securityContext: {
    runAsUser:           1000
    runAsGroup:          3000
    runAsNonRoot:        true
    fsGroup:             2000
    seccompProfile: type: v1.#SeccompProfileTypeRuntimeDefault
FloSchick commented 8 months ago
