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Add application parsing and validation, test issues #918

Closed jodyheavener closed 3 months ago

jodyheavener commented 3 months ago



We are working on improvements to the 1Password for Open Source program. This PR continues from https://github.com/1Password/1password-teams-open-source/pull/915 and adds application parsing and validation.

What's changed?


This PR sets up tests for Application and Validator, with more to come, and also sets up a new workflow that executes the test suite when changes to ./scripts/** occur.

This PR also adds various test issues we can use to test and debug the application processor manually:

git checkout jh/application-validation
make install_deps && make build_processor
./processor review --test-issue <issue-name> 

This command will print the application input it received, the parsed data, and whether or not there were problems with the application.

Example output ``` [DEBUG] Using test issue 'valid-project' [DEBUG] Skipping GitHub Init [DEBUG] Parsed input data: { "Account URL": "testdb.1password.com", "Additional comments": "Thank you!", "Age confirmation": "- [X] Yes, this project is at least 30 days old", "Can we contact you?": "- [X] Yes, you may contact me", "Email": "wendyappleseed@example.com", "Event application": "- [ ] Yes, this application is for an event", "Homepage URL": "https://github.com/wendyappleed/test-db", "License URL": "https://github.com/wendyappleed/test-db/blob/main/LICENSE.md", "License type": "MIT", "Name": "Wendy Appleseed", "Non-commercial confirmation": "- [X] No, this account won't be used for commercial activity", "Number of team members/core contributors": "1", "Profile or website": "https://github.com/wendyappleseed/", "Project name": "TestDB", "Project role": "Core Maintainer", "Repository URL": "https://github.com/wendyappleed/test-db", "Short description": "TestDB is a free and open source, community-based forum software project.", "Team application": "- [ ] Yes, this application is for a team" } [DEBUG] Application data: { "account": "testdb.1password.com", "project": { "name": "TestDB", "description": "TestDB is a free and open source, community-based forum software project.", "contributors": 1, "home_url": "https://github.com/wendyappleed/test-db", "repo_url": "https://github.com/wendyappleed/test-db", "license_type": "MIT", "license_url": "https://github.com/wendyappleed/test-db/blob/main/LICENSE.md", "is_event": false, "is_team": false }, "applicant": { "name": "Wendy Appleseed", "email": "wendyappleseed@example.com", "role": "Core Maintainer", "id": 38230737 }, "can_contact": true, "issue_number": 6, "created_at": "2023-07-12T19:49:35Z" } [DEBUG] Application has no problems ```

Across all applications:

The following test issues are available:


./processor review --test-issue valid-project

This is what we expect to be the typical application data. With this application:

This issue should have the output "Application has no problems".


./processor review --test-issue valid-team

This is another common application type, where a team is working on multiple open source projects. With this application:

This issue should have the output "Application has no problems".


./processor review --test-issue valid-event

This is a less common application type, but we still see a few of them, where the applicant is applying on behalf of an event they're a part of. With this application:

This issue should have the output "Application has no problems".


./processor review --test-issue invalid-empty-body

This is an example where someone has managed to trigger the application processor with no issue body whatsoever. It also serves as a test for when an application's section is missing, which should never occur unless someone was to manually edit their issue body. Note that this is different from when a section is present but incomplete or invalid.

This issue should have these problems ``` - Account URL: was not completed for application - Non-commercial confirmation: was not completed for application - Team application: was not completed for application - Event application: was not completed for application - Project name: was not completed for application - Short description: was not completed for application - Number of team members/core contributors: was not completed for application - Homepage URL: was not completed for application - Repository URL: was not completed for application - License type: was not completed for application - License URL: was not completed for application - Age confirmation: was not completed for application - Name: was not completed for application - Email: was not completed for application - Project role: was not completed for application - Profile or website: was not completed for application - Additional comments: was not completed for application - Can we contact you?: was not completed for application ```


./processor review --test-issue invalid-no-responses

This is an example of someone creating a new application issue without filling in any of the fields.

This issue should have these problems ``` - Application title: missing project name - Account URL: is empty - Non-commercial confirmation: must be checked - Project name: is empty - Short description: is empty - Number of team members/core contributors: is empty - Homepage URL: is empty - License type: is empty - License URL: is empty - Age confirmation: must be checked - Name: is empty - Email: is empty - Project role: is empty ```


./processor review --test-issue invalid-examples-1

This is a test issue containing various issues, such as missing project name, URLs in description, invalid URL, emoji usage, unchecked checkbox, and more.

This issue should have these problems ``` - Application title: is missing project name - Account URL: is invalid 1Password account URL - Non-commercial confirmation: must be checked - Project name: cannot contain emoji characters - Number of team members/core contributors: could not be parsed into a number - Homepage URL: is an invalid URL - Project role: is an invalid value ```