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Application for Software Underground #944

Closed santisoler closed 2 months ago

santisoler commented 2 months ago

Account URL


Non-commercial confirmation

Team application

Event application

Project name

Software Underground

Short description

Software Underground is a non-profit organization based in Canada. Its mission is:

"to provide technical and professional development opportunities to the global community of Earth scientists and engineers who program computers in the course of their work, and to promote the use of open source digital technology in the exploitation of natural resources and investigation of the Earth".

It maintains a self-hosted instance of a chat platform (Mattermost) that allows swift communication within the community. This platform is being used by several open-source projects as their main channel of communication (e.g. emsig, Fatiando a Terra, GemPy, pyGIMLi, SimPEG, Welly).

Software Underground also hosts the Transform events, in which tutorials on how to use open-source tools and their applications to real world problems are live streamed and saved on YouTube, code sprints are organized to accelerate the development of these tools, and other sessions are held to nurture the community.

Being a non-profit, Software Underground is able to act as fiscal sponsor of some of these projects, assist them with its infrastructure, fund travel grants for meetings, and offer self-hosted services for the whole community without any charge.

Number of team members/core contributors

Software Underground is organized through its board of directors, the chair of the board, and its members. The board is composed of eight directors, while the whole community counts with more than 500 members.

Homepage URL


Repository URL


License type

No response

License URL

No response

Age confirmation


Santiago Soler



Project role

Team Member or Employee

Profile or website


Can we contact you?

Additional comments

To be more specific on my role in the project, I'm currently one of the of the board directors.

1password-bot commented 2 months ago

✅ Your application is valid

Application data... ```json { "account": "softwareunderground.1password.com", "project": { "name": "Software Underground", "description": "Software Underground is a non-profit organization based in Canada. Its mission is:\n\n\u003e “to provide technical and professional development opportunities to the global community of Earth scientists and engineers who program computers in the course of their work, and to promote the use of open source digital technology in the exploitation of natural resources and investigation of the Earth”.\n\nIt maintains a self-hosted instance of a chat platform (Mattermost) that allows swift communication within the community. This platform is being used by several open-source projects as their main channel of communication (e.g. emsig, Fatiando a Terra, GemPy, pyGIMLi, SimPEG, Welly).\n\nSoftware Underground also hosts the Transform events, in which tutorials on how to use open-source tools and their applications to real world problems are live streamed and saved on YouTube, code sprints are organized to accelerate the development of these tools, and other sessions are held to nurture the community.\n\nBeing a non-profit, Software Underground is able to act as fiscal sponsor of some of these projects, assist them with its infrastructure, fund travel grants for meetings, and offer self-hosted services for the whole community without any charge.", "contributors": 500, "home_url": "https://softwareunderground.org", "repo_url": "https://github.com/softwareunderground", "is_event": false, "is_team": true }, "applicant": { "name": "Santiago Soler", "email": "santisoler@fastmail.com", "role": "Team Member or Employee", "id": 11541317 }, "can_contact": false, "issue_number": 944, "created_at": "2024-04-24T17:43:47Z" } ```

@santisoler thanks for applying! Our automated pre-checks have determined your application is valid. Next step: our team will review your application and may have follow-up questions. You can still make changes to your application and it’ll be re-evaluated.

1password-bot commented 2 months ago

🎉 Your application has been approved

Congratulations, @jodyheavener has approved your application! A promotion will be applied to your 1Password account shortly.

To lower the risk of lockout, assign at least one other person to help with account recovery in case access for a particular team member is ever lost. You may add additional core contributors as you see fit.

Finally, we’d love to hear more about your experience using 1Password in your development workflows! Feel free to join us over on the 1Password Developers Slack workspace.

Welcome to the program and happy coding! 🧑‍💻