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Application for [project name] #956

Closed lucasTejel closed 1 month ago

lucasTejel commented 1 month ago

Account URL


Non-commercial confirmation

Team application

Event application

Project name


Short description

Creation of an Android application for attendance control for employees or students. The NFC (Near Field Communication) technology of mobile phones will be used for this. The administrator will create a new place and add all the people who have to attend. In addition, he will set up an NFC tag and place it at the attendance place. When the person attends, he/she will bring his/her phone close to the attached tag with the application open and the NFC technology activated. When the app recognises this tag, it will send the attendance confirmation to the database and the venue manager will be able to review the attendance and absences of all persons.

Number of team members/core contributors


Homepage URL


Repository URL

No response

License type


License URL


Age confirmation





Project role

Founder or Owner

Profile or website

No response

Can we contact you?

Additional comments

No response

1password-bot commented 1 month ago

@lucasTejel this application is closed and changes will not be reviewed. If you have any questions or this is an error, contact us at opensource@1password.com.