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Application for icons_plus #965

Closed chouhan-rahul closed 1 month ago

chouhan-rahul commented 1 month ago

Account URL


Non-commercial confirmation

Team application

Event application

Project name

Icons Plus

Short description

Icons Plus is a package for Flutter developers that provides a collection of attractive icons from different packs. Developers can use this package to quickly and easily find and add icons to their apps. Icons Plus gives developers access to a variety of design elements that can make their apps look more appealing and modern. Developers can also choose from many popular icon packs to suit their preferences and needs.

Number of team members/core contributors


Homepage URL


Repository URL


License type


License URL


Age confirmation


Rahul Chouhan



Project role

Founder or Owner

Profile or website


Can we contact you?

Additional comments

No response

1password-bot commented 1 month ago

✅ Your application is valid

Application data... ```json { "account": "codebrine.1password.com", "project": { "name": "Icons Plus", "description": "Icons Plus is a package for Flutter developers that provides a collection of attractive icons from different packs. Developers can use this package to quickly and easily find and add icons to their apps. Icons Plus gives developers access to a variety of design elements that can make their apps look more appealing and modern. Developers can also choose from many popular icon packs to suit their preferences and needs.", "contributors": 1, "home_url": "https://github.com/chouhan-rahul/icons_plus", "repo_url": "https://github.com/chouhan-rahul/icons_plus", "license_type": "MIT", "license_url": "https://github.com/chouhan-rahul/icons_plus/blob/main/LICENSE", "is_event": true, "is_team": true }, "applicant": { "name": "Rahul Chouhan", "email": "rahul-chouhan@outlook.com", "role": "Founder or Owner", "id": 82075108 }, "can_contact": true, "issue_number": 965, "created_at": "2024-05-22T08:13:28Z" } ```

@chouhan-rahul thanks for applying! Our automated pre-checks have determined your application is valid. Next step: our team will review your application and may have follow-up questions. You can still make changes to your application and it’ll be re-evaluated.

jodyheavener commented 1 month ago

Hey @chouhan-rahul, thanks for your application. It looks like you indicated that this is for both a team and an event. Could you tell me more about the team and the event this is for? I'm not sure if I am understanding based on the application. Thank you!

chouhan-rahul commented 1 month ago

Hey @chouhan-rahul, thanks for your application. It looks like you indicated that this is for both a team and an event. Could you tell me more about the team and the event this is for? I'm not sure if I am understanding based on the application. Thank you!

Thank you for your response. I apologize for any confusion. I intended to convey that both my team and I will be utilizing the 1Password account to ensure secure management of our credentials for the upcoming event.

1password-bot commented 1 month ago

👍 Application still valid

Application data... ```json { "account": "codebrine.1password.com", "project": { "name": "Icons Plus", "description": "Icons Plus is a package for Flutter developers that provides a collection of attractive icons from different packs. Developers can use this package to quickly and easily find and add icons to their apps. Icons Plus gives developers access to a variety of design elements that can make their apps look more appealing and modern. Developers can also choose from many popular icon packs to suit their preferences and needs.", "contributors": 1, "home_url": "https://github.com/chouhan-rahul/icons_plus", "repo_url": "https://github.com/chouhan-rahul/icons_plus", "license_type": "MIT", "license_url": "https://github.com/chouhan-rahul/icons_plus/blob/main/LICENSE", "is_event": false, "is_team": true }, "applicant": { "name": "Rahul Chouhan", "email": "rahul-chouhan@outlook.com", "role": "Founder or Owner", "id": 82075108 }, "can_contact": true, "issue_number": 965, "created_at": "2024-05-22T08:13:28Z" } ```

@chouhan-rahul we’ve run our automated pre-checks and your updated application is still valid.

1password-bot commented 1 month ago

👍 Application still valid

Application data... ```json { "account": "codebrine.1password.com", "project": { "name": "Icons Plus", "description": "Icons Plus is a package for Flutter developers that provides a collection of attractive icons from different packs. Developers can use this package to quickly and easily find and add icons to their apps. Icons Plus gives developers access to a variety of design elements that can make their apps look more appealing and modern. Developers can also choose from many popular icon packs to suit their preferences and needs.", "contributors": 1, "home_url": "https://github.com/chouhan-rahul/icons_plus", "repo_url": "https://github.com/chouhan-rahul/icons_plus", "license_type": "MIT", "license_url": "https://github.com/chouhan-rahul/icons_plus/blob/main/LICENSE", "is_event": false, "is_team": true }, "applicant": { "name": "Rahul Chouhan", "email": "rahul-chouhan@outlook.com", "role": "Founder or Owner", "id": 82075108 }, "can_contact": true, "issue_number": 965, "created_at": "2024-05-22T08:13:28Z" } ```

@chouhan-rahul we’ve run our automated pre-checks and your updated application is still valid.

1password-bot commented 1 month ago

👍 Application still valid

Application data... ```json { "account": "codebrine.1password.com", "project": { "name": "Icons Plus", "description": "Icons Plus is a package for Flutter developers that provides a collection of attractive icons from different packs. Developers can use this package to quickly and easily find and add icons to their apps. Icons Plus gives developers access to a variety of design elements that can make their apps look more appealing and modern. Developers can also choose from many popular icon packs to suit their preferences and needs.", "contributors": 1, "home_url": "https://github.com/chouhan-rahul/icons_plus", "repo_url": "https://github.com/chouhan-rahul/icons_plus", "license_type": "MIT", "license_url": "https://github.com/chouhan-rahul/icons_plus/blob/main/LICENSE", "is_event": false, "is_team": true }, "applicant": { "name": "Rahul Chouhan", "email": "rahul-chouhan@outlook.com", "role": "Founder or Owner", "id": 82075108 }, "can_contact": true, "issue_number": 965, "created_at": "2024-05-22T08:13:28Z" } ```

@chouhan-rahul we’ve run our automated pre-checks and your updated application is still valid.

jodyheavener commented 1 month ago

Hi there @chouhan-rahul, I have some additional questions about your application. Please send me an email (opensource@1password.com) and I would be happy to discuss further. Thank you!

chouhan-rahul commented 1 month ago

Hi there @chouhan-rahul, I have some additional questions about your application. Please send me an email (opensource@1password.com) and I would be happy to discuss further. Thank you!

Hi @jodyheavener, I've sent an email please check.