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Application for WebhookDLL #986

Closed ThemanRonin closed 1 week ago

ThemanRonin commented 1 week ago

Account URL


Non-commercial confirmation

Team application

Event application

Project name


Short description

A DLL created based on the WeCom webhook for enterprises, making it convenient to directly invoke in programs.

Number of team members/core contributors


Homepage URL


Repository URL


License type


License URL


Age confirmation





Project role

Founder or Owner

Profile or website


Can we contact you?

Additional comments

No response

1password-bot commented 1 week ago

❌ Your application is invalid

Application data... ```json { "account": "https://nnametechnologycoltd.1password.com/home", "project": { "name": "Webhook_DLL", "description": "A DLL created based on the WeCom webhook for enterprises, making it convenient to directly invoke in programs.", "contributors": 1, "home_url": "repository", "license_type": "MIT", "license_url": "https://github.com/ThemanRonin/Webhook_DLL/blob/main/LICENSE.txt", "is_event": true, "is_team": true }, "applicant": { "name": "ThemanRonin", "email": "themanronin@gmail.com", "role": "Founder or Owner", "id": 35099500 }, "can_contact": true, "issue_number": 986, "created_at": "2024-06-19T00:24:22Z" } ```

@ThemanRonin our automated pre-checks have detected the following problems:

Update this issue to correct these problems and we’ll automatically re-evaluate your application. If you have any questions or this is an error, contact us at opensource@1password.com.

1password-bot commented 1 week ago

❌ Your application is invalid

Application data... ```json { "account": "nnametechnologycoltd.1password.com", "project": { "name": "Webhook_DLL", "description": "A DLL created based on the WeCom webhook for enterprises, making it convenient to directly invoke in programs.", "contributors": 1, "home_url": "https://github.com/ThemanRonin/Webhook_DLL", "repo_url": "https://github.com/ThemanRonin/Webhook_DLL", "license_type": "MIT", "license_url": "https://github.com/ThemanRonin/Webhook_DLL/blob/main/LICENSE.txt", "is_event": true, "is_team": true }, "applicant": { "name": "ThemanRonin", "email": "themanronin@gmail.com", "role": "Founder or Owner", "id": 35099500 }, "can_contact": true, "issue_number": 986, "created_at": "2024-06-19T00:24:22Z" } ```

@ThemanRonin our automated pre-checks have detected the following problems:

Update this issue to correct these problems and we’ll automatically re-evaluate your application. If you have any questions or this is an error, contact us at opensource@1password.com.

1password-bot commented 1 week ago

❌ Your application is invalid

Application data... ```json { "account": "nnametechnologycoltd.1password.com", "project": { "name": "Webhook_DLL", "description": "A DLL created based on the WeCom webhook for enterprises, making it convenient to directly invoke in programs.", "contributors": 1, "home_url": "https://github.com/ThemanRonin/Webhook_DLL", "repo_url": "https://github.com/ThemanRonin/Webhook_DLL", "license_type": "MIT", "license_url": "https://github.com/ThemanRonin/Webhook_DLL/blob/main/LICENSE.txt", "is_event": false, "is_team": true }, "applicant": { "name": "ThemanRonin", "email": "themanronin@gmail.com", "role": "Founder or Owner", "id": 35099500 }, "can_contact": true, "issue_number": 986, "created_at": "2024-06-19T00:24:22Z" } ```

@ThemanRonin our automated pre-checks have detected the following problems:

Update this issue to correct these problems and we’ll automatically re-evaluate your application. If you have any questions or this is an error, contact us at opensource@1password.com.

1password-bot commented 1 week ago

❌ Your application is invalid

Application data... ```json { "account": "nnametechnologycoltd.1password.com", "project": { "name": "WebhookDLL", "description": "A DLL created based on the WeCom webhook for enterprises, making it convenient to directly invoke in programs.", "contributors": 1, "home_url": "https://github.com/ThemanRonin/Webhook_DLL", "repo_url": "https://github.com/ThemanRonin/Webhook_DLL", "license_type": "MIT", "license_url": "https://github.com/ThemanRonin/Webhook_DLL/blob/main/LICENSE.txt", "is_event": false, "is_team": true }, "applicant": { "name": "ThemanRonin", "email": "themanronin@gmail.com", "role": "Founder or Owner", "id": 35099500 }, "can_contact": true, "issue_number": 986, "created_at": "2024-06-19T00:24:22Z" } ```

@ThemanRonin our automated pre-checks have detected the following problems:

Update this issue to correct these problems and we’ll automatically re-evaluate your application. If you have any questions or this is an error, contact us at opensource@1password.com.

1password-bot commented 1 week ago

✅ Your application is valid

Application data... ```json { "account": "nnametechnologycoltd.1password.com", "project": { "name": "WebhookDLL", "description": "A DLL created based on the WeCom webhook for enterprises, making it convenient to directly invoke in programs.", "contributors": 1, "home_url": "https://github.com/ThemanRonin/Webhook_DLL", "repo_url": "https://github.com/ThemanRonin/Webhook_DLL", "license_type": "MIT", "license_url": "https://github.com/ThemanRonin/Webhook_DLL/blob/main/LICENSE.txt", "is_event": false, "is_team": true }, "applicant": { "name": "ThemanRonin", "email": "themanronin@gmail.com", "role": "Founder or Owner", "id": 35099500 }, "can_contact": true, "issue_number": 986, "created_at": "2024-06-19T00:24:22Z" } ```

@ThemanRonin thanks for applying! Our automated pre-checks have determined your application is valid. Next step: our team will review your application and may have follow-up questions. You can still make changes to your application and it’ll be re-evaluated.

1password-bot commented 1 week ago

👍 Application still valid

Application data... ```json { "account": "nnametechnologycoltd.1password.com", "project": { "name": "WebhookDLL", "description": "A DLL created based on the WeCom webhook for enterprises, making it convenient to directly invoke in programs.", "contributors": 1, "home_url": "https://github.com/ThemanRonin/Webhook_DLL", "repo_url": "https://github.com/ThemanRonin/Webhook_DLL", "license_type": "MIT", "license_url": "https://github.com/ThemanRonin/Webhook_DLL/blob/main/LICENSE.txt", "is_event": false, "is_team": false }, "applicant": { "name": "ThemanRonin", "email": "themanronin@gmail.com", "role": "Founder or Owner", "id": 35099500 }, "can_contact": true, "issue_number": 986, "created_at": "2024-06-19T00:24:22Z" } ```

@ThemanRonin we’ve run our automated pre-checks and your updated application is still valid.

jodyheavener commented 1 week ago

Hi @ThemanRonin, thanks your application! One of our requirements for the program is that project be at least 30 days old to help determine if it is an active open source project. Looking at the repository you submitted, it appears that commits only span a couple days. This can be the case when you are working on it locally and then want to put it all up on GitHub so you create your first commit, but it's hard for us to make a determination. With this in mind, would you be up for re-applying in about a month's time? This will allow us to see that this project is actively being developed, possibly with more commits. Thank you for understanding.

ThemanRonin commented 1 week ago

@jodyheavener HI. I apologize for any inconvenience regarding the duration of the project's history. I will reapply in 30 days, and during this period, I will maintain an active engagement with the project by actively submitting code. Thank you for your response.

jodyheavener commented 1 week ago

@ThemanRonin Thank you for your response and understanding! I'm gong to close this application for now. After the time has elapsed please feel free to open a new application and I'll happily take a look 😄