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New plugin for CVE Services API #427

Open ppaeps opened 4 months ago

ppaeps commented 4 months ago


The CVE Services API allows CVE Numbering Authorities (CNAs) to reserve, publish, and manage CVE IDs. This plugin sets the environment variables required to use the reference cvelib implementation of the API.

See also: https://www.cve.org/AllResources/CveServices https://github.com/RedHatProductSecurity/cvelib https://vulnogram.github.io/cve5/#cvePortal

Type of change

- [x] Created a new plugin - [ ] Improved an existing plugin - [ ] Fixed a bug in an existing plugin - [ ] Improved contributor utilities or experience ## How To Test

The CVE Services API can only be used by CNAs. Assuming you are a CNA (or a CNA can provide you with a test user), you can test authentication with cve ping.


New CLI plugin for the CVE Services API.
github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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Sign commits with 1Password

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