1Password / shell-plugins

Seamless authentication for every tool in your terminal.
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Unknown plugin: terraform #447

Open Tensho opened 3 months ago

Tensho commented 3 months ago

Platform or tool


Desired or expected behavior

The plugin should be in the list and can be initialised as described in the documentation.

Current behavior

Plugin is not found.

$ brew info 1password
==> 1password: 8.10.28 (auto_updates)
$ brew info 1password-cli
==> 1password-cli: 2.26.1
$ which op
$ op --version
$ op plugin list | grep terraform
$ op plugin init terraform
[ERROR] 2024/03/25 20:37:02 unknown plugin: terraform

Relevant log output

No response

op CLI version


cameron-mills commented 3 months ago

The plugin is also not available in the plugin list: op plugin list | grep terraform

plugin list output ``` $ op plugin list EXECUTABLE NAME REQUIRED FIELDS akamai Akamai Client Secret, Host, Access Token, Client Token argocd Argo CD Auth Token aws AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key cdk AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key axiom Axiom Token, Organization binance-cli Binance API Key, API Secret cachix Cachix Token cargo Cargo Token circleci CircleCI Token civo Civo API Key wrangler Cloudflare Workers Token crowdin Crowdin Token databricks Databricks Host, Token dog Datadog API Key, App Key doctl DigitalOcean Token fastly Fastly Token flyctl Fly.io Token fly Fly.io Token fossa FOSSA API Key tea Gitea Token, Host Address, User gh GitHub Token glab GitLab Token vault HashiCorp Vault Token heroku Heroku API Key hcloud Hetzner Cloud Token brew Homebrew Token huggingface-cli Hugging Face User Access Token influx InfluxDB Host, Organization, Access Token kaggle Kaggle Token, Username lacework Lacework Account, API Key ID, API Secret forge Laravel Forge Token vapor Laravel Vapor Token linode-cli Linode Token localstack LocalStack API Key atlas MongoDB Atlas Public Key, Private Key mysql MySQL Password ngrok ngrok Authtoken ohdear Oh Dear Token okta Okta Token, Org URL openai OpenAI API Key oaieval OpenAI API Key oaievalset OpenAI API Key pd Pipedream API Key psql PostgreSQL Host, User, Password pg_dump PostgreSQL Host, User, Password pg_restore PostgreSQL Host, User, Password pgcli PostgreSQL Host, User, Password pulumi Pulumi Token rdme ReadMe API Key sentry-cli Sentry Token snowsql Snowflake Account, Username, Password snyk Snyk Token src Sourcegraph Token stripe Stripe Key todoist Todoist Token td Treasure Data API Key tugboat Tugboat Token twilio Twilio Account SID, API Key, API Secret upstash Upstash API Key, Email vercel Vercel Token vsql Vertica Username, Password, Database vultr-cli Vultr API Key ysqlsh YugabyteDB Host, Username, Password zapier Zapier Key zcli Zendesk Subdomain, Email, Token ```

op CLI Version


sfnelson commented 2 months ago

The plugin is not available because it's in beta. You can see the beta tag next to the plugin name on the documentation page: https://developer.1password.com/docs/cli/shell-plugins/terraform/

I don't know what beta means to the op-cli team. They do not regularly release betas and they have not done so since 2023-11-23. You can't use the last beta release anymore because it can't connect to the latest version of the app.

If you want to use the terraform plugin you can compile and install it yourself:

git clone git@github.com:1Password/shell-plugins.git
cd shell-plugins
make terraform/build
op plugin init terraform

There's no guarantee this will continue to work, and you'll need to rebuild it every time you update the cli.

If someone on the op-cli team could please provide an update on what the roadmap for this plugin looks like, it would be much appreciated. Are there problems with the plugin that the community could help with?