1Password / terraform-provider-onepassword

Use the 1Password Terraform Provider to reference, create, or update items in your 1Password Vaults.
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Triggering the changes on the unchanged resource #146

Closed volodymyrZotov closed 1 month ago

volodymyrZotov commented 5 months ago

Your environment

Terraform Provider Version: 1.4.1

Connect Server Version:

CLI Version: 2.23.0


Terraform Version:

What happened?

Adding a new unrelated resource triggers spurious and unnecessary changes to resources that haven’t really changed.

What did you expect to happen?

Changes should not be applied for the resource that was not changed.

Steps to reproduce

Use the attached main.tf example.

Run it like follows export TF_VAR_account=<account>.[1password.com](http://1password.com/); export TF_VAR_vault="<a vault name>"; export TF_VAR_secret1_name=<a secret name>; export TF_VAR_secret2_name=<another secret name>;and tofu init tofu apply then uncomment # zot = "zot" in main.tf and tofu apply again. Notice that it replaces everything in the module must be replaced even though nothing actually changed.

Notes & Logs


edif2008 commented 1 month ago

Resolved by #167 and is present in version 2.0.0 and above.